Thursday, January 31, 2008

What it means to support our troops...

I despise this war…

Yet the President has said time and time again, that we must support our troops…
I couldn’t agree more, but do you want to know what it means to “Support the troops”? Mr. President?

Don’t make their families take up a collection for their body armor.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Armor their humvees so they don’t lose their lives and limbs when they don’t need to.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Don’t send them into somebody else’s civil war.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Don’t send them to war unless you would send your own children.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Keep contracts out of the hands of companies who apathetically give them contaminated drinking water.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? When they come home damaged, when they come home with their bodies frayed from that war, Don’t you DARE warehouse them with cockroaches in Walter Red hospital.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? When they come back to the shores that they will never see again, haven given their lives for this country, don’t whisk their bodies in, in the middle of the night because their sacrifice makes for bad PR. You proudly display their flag draped coffins like every other American president has done before you.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Don’t you ever, ever write letters to their parents, to their spouses, to their children, when they lost their lives for this country, with a mechanical pin, you write it with your own hand so you feel what it means for them to lose their lives for this country.

And if you want to really know what it means to support our troops?
Bring them home.

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