Thursday, January 31, 2008

What it means to support our troops...

I despise this war…

Yet the President has said time and time again, that we must support our troops…
I couldn’t agree more, but do you want to know what it means to “Support the troops”? Mr. President?

Don’t make their families take up a collection for their body armor.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Armor their humvees so they don’t lose their lives and limbs when they don’t need to.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Don’t send them into somebody else’s civil war.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Don’t send them to war unless you would send your own children.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Keep contracts out of the hands of companies who apathetically give them contaminated drinking water.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? When they come home damaged, when they come home with their bodies frayed from that war, Don’t you DARE warehouse them with cockroaches in Walter Red hospital.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? When they come back to the shores that they will never see again, haven given their lives for this country, don’t whisk their bodies in, in the middle of the night because their sacrifice makes for bad PR. You proudly display their flag draped coffins like every other American president has done before you.

You want to know what it means to support our troops? Don’t you ever, ever write letters to their parents, to their spouses, to their children, when they lost their lives for this country, with a mechanical pin, you write it with your own hand so you feel what it means for them to lose their lives for this country.

And if you want to really know what it means to support our troops?
Bring them home.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The state of the party...

We are in a very crucial presidential election campaign and so I always ask myself, what would the greatest republican presidential candidate in recent years say and do regarding these candidates. I’m talking about Ronald Reagan, who in 1976 people said he was unelectable, he was a fringe candidate, he would never be elected. And four years later he won the presidency and in 1984 he won the reelection with 49 states. So Ronald Reagan said we need to get government off our backs, and Ron Paul was only one of four congressman supporting former governor Reagan in 1976 and Gerald ford pulled him into the oval office when he was president and said I want your support, and as a freshman congressman Ron Paul said “I’m sorry Mr. President but I’m supporting Ronald Reagan” Think of the character it took to tell the president of the united state they you won’t support him for reelection.

Now lets think about where we are as a nation and party, we are in an unpopular occupation with no end in sight, 75% of people in the United States are against it. We are on the edge of a major recession Congressman Paul has warned about for years; we got kicked out of power in 2006 for runaway spending, because of ethical breaches, and we lost our confidence as a party to stand up for our ideals of limited government and free enterprise. In other words we are at a major crossroads in the history of this country and our party is looking for a leader who can take the party and the country back from the collectivist ideology that is rampant in Washington D.C.

I was speaking to party insiders this weekend and was told that discussions reaching as high as Mike Duncan, Chairman of the Republican National Committee, were taking place on what to do about Ron Paul. I was told that the movement has had a profound affect on the party and is reshaping the current platform. Concessions must be made to the Ron Paul Republicans if the party is to thrive. They said they know the party will lose in the general election to the Democrats without Ron Paul supporters and irreparable damage to the party could last for decades.

To be brandished as losers does not sit well with the top brass in the party, and an incredible amount of resources are being wasted. They said that a return to core Republican values could go a long way in returning credibility to the party. I didn't ask what they meant by this but I know what they were thinking. I think they are beginning to see the writing on the wall, and I hope this is the beginning of a breakthrough for our party.

I think they know Ron Paul Republicans will not compromise on their principles, and this is what scares them the most. They know we will not bow to the Democrats or the Neo-cons.

I despise Neo-Cons and the Democrats in power. They are the biggest bunch of arrogant, power-hungry, self-serving hypocrites corrupting our government that we have had in a century. They answer only to lobbyists, not to the people they were elected to represent. If they're afraid of the grassroots swelling of the "little people" who have had enough of their hubris then so be it. Don't fall for any promises of a return to real republican principles. They have proven beyond a doubt they cannot be trusted - ever

Even if any one of those five other candidates started imitating Ron Paul word-for-word, I wouldn't believe a word of it. Give me candidates with proven track records of fiscal responsibility, limiting the size & scope of federal government, and attention to the Constitution and then I'll start thinking of voting for them.

I have always held a strong belief in the good of man. It is a good that breaks party lines and long held beliefs. Liberal or Conservative, Black or white, Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian….all any American ever wishes or dreams, is for their families to be safe, that they can come home to their families and see children who are not starving in the streets, but that are happy and smiling. Americans want to know that they can provide for their families without being cheated or enslaved, and that their children will always have a better and brighter future than they had. Is that not what we all fight for? The only thing we disagree on is how we get to that “shining city on the hill” The thing is… We don’t create that shining city by winning elections or raising money. We do it by universally questioning ourselves.
We all have good intentions…
Yet, we are in debt 9 trillion dollars… 56 Trillion if you include entitlements.
We all have good intentions…
Yet, too many Americans like the idea of universal healthcare.
We all have good intentions.
Yet democrat or republican we continue to increase the size of government.
We all have good intentions.
But we too often forget to question ourselves…