Sunday, December 2, 2007

Great meeting, and a great day to campaign

Nov. 28th

The 2ed Harrison Ron Paul meeting went great! There were many more people than I expected. The room fit for 30 was packed! And more people came in after it was over! Some of the things discussed were the Signwaving, door to door campaigning, a RP Billboard, and a place for members to work in their spare time.

And even though nothing has been finalized. I desided to go ahead and design a billboard just to show everyone what it might look like.

Dec. 2ed

What a great day to campaign. The Harrison, Ar Ron Paul meetup had a signwaveing event today. It was raining, 40 degrees, and extremely windy... and we still had 17 people at an intersection with RP signs, and stayed for over 3 hours too... My sign has handprints on both sides and doesn't work anymore.

We enjoyed the reaction the traffic gave us as well. About 40% approved of Paul, 40% didn't know who he was, and 20% disapproved... We had one lady stick her head out her window and scream Hillary... lol

I think we handed out about 700 slim jims as well. I'm not for sure, all I know is we had fun...


Anonymous said...

That is awesome. GO RON GO!!!!!!!

Karlonia said...

Wow, it looks like you have some pretty dedicated supporters there. If Ron Paul actually manages to win this thing, it's going to significantly change the political climate in this country- hopefully for the better.

But if he doesn't win in the primaries, then I'll just have to fall back on my old bumper sticker saying, "Don't blame me - I voted Libertarian"!