Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just Kidding...

The people have lost their voice, and no one takes bush seriously. We make jokes about him all the time, but the real joke is that he is still in office and he still has the power to do something! Anything! When we talk about the patriot act, the war, and the loss of habeas corpus, it isn’t taken seriously. And when presidential leaks, cover-ups, and wire taping are mentioned, it’s a joke… Simply because the president is stupid? Is that how shallow we are? Our president can get away with being a bad president, as long as we can joke about it? What has happened to my America?! Where are the protests on college campuses?! Where have all the rightly angry people gone! Where is America’s youth!?! We did nothing with Iraq, we did nothing as the war raged on, and we continue to do NOTHING as the war drums are pounding in regard to Iran. I’m disappointed. If this were an aware and just America, King George would be impeached, and Imprisoned.
Or better yet… Hanged....

1 comment:

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