Sunday, December 2, 2007

Great meeting, and a great day to campaign

Nov. 28th

The 2ed Harrison Ron Paul meeting went great! There were many more people than I expected. The room fit for 30 was packed! And more people came in after it was over! Some of the things discussed were the Signwaving, door to door campaigning, a RP Billboard, and a place for members to work in their spare time.

And even though nothing has been finalized. I desided to go ahead and design a billboard just to show everyone what it might look like.

Dec. 2ed

What a great day to campaign. The Harrison, Ar Ron Paul meetup had a signwaveing event today. It was raining, 40 degrees, and extremely windy... and we still had 17 people at an intersection with RP signs, and stayed for over 3 hours too... My sign has handprints on both sides and doesn't work anymore.

We enjoyed the reaction the traffic gave us as well. About 40% approved of Paul, 40% didn't know who he was, and 20% disapproved... We had one lady stick her head out her window and scream Hillary... lol

I think we handed out about 700 slim jims as well. I'm not for sure, all I know is we had fun...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Just Kidding...

The people have lost their voice, and no one takes bush seriously. We make jokes about him all the time, but the real joke is that he is still in office and he still has the power to do something! Anything! When we talk about the patriot act, the war, and the loss of habeas corpus, it isn’t taken seriously. And when presidential leaks, cover-ups, and wire taping are mentioned, it’s a joke… Simply because the president is stupid? Is that how shallow we are? Our president can get away with being a bad president, as long as we can joke about it? What has happened to my America?! Where are the protests on college campuses?! Where have all the rightly angry people gone! Where is America’s youth!?! We did nothing with Iraq, we did nothing as the war raged on, and we continue to do NOTHING as the war drums are pounding in regard to Iran. I’m disappointed. If this were an aware and just America, King George would be impeached, and Imprisoned.
Or better yet… Hanged....

Spineless Patriot

I could not believe it. I was so happy last week when Congressman Pete Stark (D) took a stand for our country and bashed the War and King George into the preverbal wall. I thought to myself, “Finally a democrat with a backbone!” …I was wrong. Today, Pete Stark Folded like a lawn chair in his apology to congress. Even when a Cnn poll showed that 97% of Americans thought that he shouldn’t apologize. My question is: Where is my apology for your lack of testicals and your inability to represent the majority of Americans? For a moment I saw a congressman actually doing what he was supposed to do. Then I saw Stark once again stand in front of congress and say "I want to apologize to my colleagues, many of whom I have offended,” offend your colleagues?! To hell with your colleagues! What about those dying men and women whom you so strongly care about? What about the Americans you’re supposed to represent? I don’t know… Maybe I’m being a little hard on the congressman. I wouldn’t have apologized if they held a gun to my head. It is apparent congressman that you still believe what you originally said. Otherwise I don’t think it would have been as difficult as it looked for you when you apologized. Besides, Its in your blood. You opposed the Vietnam War and you oppose this war.

You were right when you insulted King George. Just like all of our founding fathers were right when they stood against tyrants. The only difference is, if they had backed down like you did. We would all be under the rule of a king, instead of a president.

Congressmen Stark… Apparently not patriot material.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Can the success in rebuilding Japan be duplicated in Iraq?

Absolutely not!
To really understand, you must look at a broader spectrum of things. Japan before the war was a thriving capital of industrial power. The war with China in 1894-1895 made Japan the world's first non-Western modern imperial power, and the war with Russia proved that a Western power could be defeated by a non-Western State. The aftermath of these two wars left Japan the dominant power in the Far East, with a sphere of influence extending over southern Manchuria and Korea. During WW1 it declared war on the Central Powers, attacking German colonial outposts in East Asia, and taking advantage of the opportunity to expand its influence in Asia and its territorial holdings in the Pacific.
The post-war era brought Japan unprecedented prosperity. Japan went to the peace conference at Versailles in 1919 as one of the great military and industrial powers of the world and received official recognition as one of the "Big Five" of the new international order. With that said, it is sufficient to say that then and even in its history, the Japanese have always been a proud people. But as most of you know, within the course of one war (WW2) Japan’s prosperous Imperial Empire was nothing more than a firebombed and radiation drowned, shell of a country. The Japanese Empire's government was dismantled under General Douglas MacArthur and replaced by a constitutional monarchy with the emperor as a figurehead. But it was still, a united Japan. The whole of Japan was united under one religion, unlike Iraq. Japan also had an enormous amount of national pride left, and believed that it once again was destined to such prosperity. With the assistance of American reconstruction (though it was undoubtedly our responsibility, the obvious reasons for the assistance was anti-communist oriented) and the unity of the Japanese people, Japan was quickly rebuilt.
Iraq on the other hand is completely different. A site on constant military conflict, Iraq has never been a world power. Due to the post-Saddam Hussein power shift from Sunni to Shia, Iraq has turned into a ubiquitous region of sectarian violence and anti-American strife. Making reconstruction impossible.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Groupthink and Doublethink

The question was raised in my Sociology class; Is there a correlation between Groupthink and Doublethink? I say, Yes...

Now, Groupthink is a type of thought exhibited by group members who try to minimize conflict and reach consensus without critically testing, analyzing and evaluating ideas. It may cause groups to make hasty, irrational decisions, where individual doubts are set aside, for fear of upsetting the group's balance.

and According to George Orwell's Novel 1984, Doublethink is the act of holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously, believing both, despite being aware of their incompatibility.

And many people don't believe doublethink exists. I've been told that is it only fiction, like the book. But people use doublethink all the time, in-fact I used it at school just recently when I said I was absent because I had court. I lied. I had a trig test I was unprepared for. But I didn't lie like most people do who know they are lieing, I tricked myself, I consciously told myself it was true, making it very easy to lie, because, if I believe it's true, I'll have no problem telling anyone such.

So my hypothesis is that Groupthink theory and Doublethink theory are interlinked and are quite rampant in society, the media, and politics, and that a person will use doublethink to deny truth in order to comply with the established group.

I'll use a prime example of untruths…

Before the Iraq war, George Bush made a comment in one of his speeches… and it was "if Saddam Hussein does not disarm, the United States of America will lead a coalition and disarm him in the name of Peace."

Now anyone believing in this statement has to use Doublethink to agree with it.

Disarm is the name of peace? Disarming means War…. And War in the name of peace? The statement is doublethink. It's a blackwhite. War is peace, Freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength…

(Not to mention that is wasn't long before the news came out that there was nothing to disarm in the first place… It's a little hard to drop your gun when you're not holding one… )

Now, Why would anyone use doublethink to believe Bush's statement? Well, because if they didn't it would conflict with the Group leader's statements and the group… Groupthink…

2 More Poems

Nowhere but up

-Corey Landon Walsh
I can barely lift a pen,
To say the very least.
With helplessness taking over,
I'll drink until deceased.
No word or oath or creed,
Can help me so today.
I'll just drink till I see bottom,
And err improve the day.
For if I had the choice,
I'd choose the later grave.
Sweet peace and humble sleep,
With agony I would wave.
But I am not near brave,
Brave enough to choose.
So I'll chug the whisky down,
And hope that I will lose.

By Corey Walsh
You think you're broken? My Heart was crushed.
For death, dawn, and dieing – I know too much.
Every word's a cut; every breath's a bruise
Every glance is a knife through my broken heart too.
What total Connection – Feelings so rushed.
Who ever knew that is was all too much.
Though special to me – to you, was just a ruse.
All I ever wanted – was to be Loved by You.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My First Blog

This is a first for me. So this time I will post two of my poems and see what you think of them... I also have written Stories, songs, and speeches, but I dont know if will post them...

White Flags

Exhausted, lost, and drowned in apathy.
I sit upon a cliff, with my heart in my hand.
Questioning whether or not,
If I am enough a man.
To hold onto my heart,
Or toss it away.
To keep who I am,
Or untruthfully decay.

Chasing Love

I'm trying to get to heaven - but all I do is fall
I wonder how the bluebirds - even get there at all
I stretch out my arms, for I am Heaven Bound
But all I seem to do, is hit the hard Ground
I brush my self off – and prepare once more
Only to end up – back on the floor