Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How do we defeat collectivism?

Looking at the results in California and elsewhere I see our biggest enemy is collectivism. Hispanics voted in a large block for Clinton, blacks for Obama, Mormons for Romney, Christians for Huckabee.

Seniors vote for anyone that does not mention social security. Non of these groups even consider how blind their allegiances are. Black people are still enslaved by the democrats 150 years after the emancipation.

What is it going to take to break these people away from their masters? Is it that we need our economy to completely fail? Even then I feel there will be a blame game without looking at the real causes.

People need to grow up, stop playing politics, and start really caring about this country.

***A Revolutionary Victory*** For me and the Cause

I am 19 years old... and the VC(Vice Chairman) of the republican party wants me to become the New Republican County Chairman so I can help "Bring life back to the party".

And just recently I got the entire Boone County Republican party to vote Ron Paul in a 6 min stump speech...

And after the speech, Rep. Johnny Key (Running for State Senate) gave me his card and told me to contact him after im done.... =)

I really hope more of our guys are getting active in the party. I think working within the party is our only hope.


Score 60 new voters!!!!! YES! (My speech to Republicans)

Haha!! Yes! *Does Dance*

I'm the main Arkansas organizer, and i've been going to Republican meetings and diners across the state... every one I can attend!

Tonight I went to the Boone County Republican meeting with 20 fellow RP supporters for a total of 80 people. After the meeting issues were taken care of, the chairman gave me the floor.

I have a 4 min stump speech on Paul’s positions and on returning dignity and conservatism to the party. I started it off with my “I don’t look conservative I look like I came from Berkeley” Joke… It was ok, not my best speech, but I get no sleep and was tired.

Sadly I had to step out for a min to organize things for a RP meeting Tuesday. When I got back, a RP supporter was up talking about the CFR... (Oh shit!) A concerned older republican asked a very good question, and that was if RP doesn't get the nomination, would we be there to support the Republicans against the Democrats. Two more of our people got up and started heckling the guy about the "globalist elite", completely ignoring the man’s question.

The man was pissed, and his friends and fellow republicans were getting annoyed. Right when the yelling was about to start I stopped raising my hand and just got up and announced over my own guy:

"Ok, I run the local as well as the state grassroots... (loudmouth shuts up) I've put alot of blood, sweet, tears, and money into this campaign. (loudmouth gets asked to leave) I stay up all night working for this man because I love my country too much to see it fall. I'm about as strong of Ron Paul supporter as you can get… but come election day, I know another Democrat will destroy our country. (applaud) …and if I Ron Paul isn't the nominee, I know one thing for certain, ANY Republican is better than Any Democrat, ANY day... (Cheers) (looking at the guy who asked the question) And I will promise you right now that there is no way my vote is going to be cast for anyone but Republican. (More Cheers)

The thing I am most worried about, and what you probably already know is… We are in some serious trouble. The Democrats have the upper hand on us. We got kicked out of power in 2006 for runaway spending, because of ethical breaches, and we lost our confidence as a party to stand up for our ideals of limited government and free enterprise. I’m sure many of you are in favor of staying in Iraq, as are most of the Republican candidates, but we are walking into this election slaughter with 75% of the population against the occupation. What chance does a Pro-war Republican have against Obama or Hillary? If you want to be really serious about keeping a Democrat out of the Whitehouse, vote for a man who won’t polarize the rest of the nation against us, but instead will revitalize the love of true conservatism in this country. The country I love so much… Thankyou, (applaud)”

Every single person who attended that meeting had to double check my name, tell me they loved what I said, and tell me that they would be voting Ron Paul come the 5th… Every one of them… It got even better because two of the people who attended were both running for state senate seats and asked if I could get in touch with them some time.

YES!!!!!!!! Score!!!

Oh and btw... QUIT TALKING ABOUT THE DAMN GLOBAL ELITE AND THE CFR! Republicans dont care!

Grassroots Headquarters ""

Grassroots Headquarters For Nationwide coordination with meetups, projects, and online resources.
The point of the project is to harness a market for grassroots ideas(like those of the blimp and the money bomb), help new people find their meetups, and to have something tangible with the grassroots after this election is over...

To create a intellectual market, and grassroots figurehead that will last into future campaigns...

Will Include:

RonPaulForums (to be Liberty Forest)

Projects Market (To help spark creativity, enlist hard work, direct a unified direction, and to separate the good from the bad in projects)

Grassroots U.S Map (to help people find their meetups and to assist in state grassroots information and action)

Approved Liberty Canidates

Live Support / News

And much more...

We have a great team of 20 tallented people working on this project, and will have it up soon...